Saturday, February 8, 2014

George Bird Evans

I've been doing some research on George Bird Evans and he has some incredible quotes.  I had to post my favorite:

“I think we are drawn to dogs because they are the uninhibited creatures we might be if we weren't certain we knew better.  They fight for honor at the first challenge, make love with no moral restraint, and they do not for all their marvelous instincts appear to know about death.  Being such wonderfully uncomplicated beings, they need us to do their worrying.”


Hunting 2013 in Pictures (continued)

Probably the best day afield I returned home with nothing.  We hit the Allegheny National Forest for a day in early November.  The woodcock had already migrated through.  We put up 5 grouse.  I got a shot at one, missed it twice.  What a beautiful, damp day.  Good scenting conditions.
I love how lone pine trees stand out on the landscape.  Usually there are buck rubs on them.


Wow, the habitat around this dam is awesome.  Gotta get up here in late October.

We had some issues with thorns in paws.

Shrubby cover everywhere.

More shrubby cover.

Rocko pointed a grouse off the right side of this trail.  I walked over, kicked it up, and it flew out onto this trail away for me.  Offered me two clear shots and I shot over it twice!  Frustrating but fun!

Getting tired.


Then we did some more pheasant hunting towards home.  We bagged a good bit of birds this year.  I spend a lot of time learning different ways to cook them.  They dry out to easy.  Thanks to Honest Food for some great tips!

Rocko pointing a pheasant.  He's getting good enough where I was actually able to get my phone out, snap a picture, then walk in and flush the bird.  If someone told me that could happen 2 years ago, I'd have called them a liar!

Rocko in all his glory.  No, he's not wearing a hat.

This was the first bird I ever hung before plucking.  Plucking can be somewhat excruciating, but well worth it when it comes to tablefare.

My daughter and I spent the afternoon preparing the bird with some stuffing, mashed potatoes, and green beans.  She said they were better than chicken nuggets.

In stand for the first day of Rifle season.  Saw three doe.

The only picture I took the first Saturday of rifle season.  I took a doe that day but for some reason didn't get any pictures.

Now it's February.  January stunk.  So cold and when it snows, it puts a layer of ice on top.  I wasn't about to take the dog out in sub 0 temperatures with icy snow.  We've been watching the junco's, titmice, chickadees, red bellied woodpeckers, downy woodpeckers attack our homemade suet recipe.

Now that the season is over I started to get depressed thinking I have to wait until next October, but -- not true.  Mid-march should bring a woodcock flight through where Rocko can train.  Early May brings spring gobbler.


Hunting 2013 in Pictures

This blog was supposed to be an update about EVERY occurrence of fishing, hunting, outdoors, etc that I've done.  On that front, I've failed.  Miserably.  Doing many other things is a lot more important than updating a web blog, so I figure when I can get to it, I get to it.  Here is my 2013 hunting wrap up.

What a great year!  Got a spring gobbler, took a doe on a shot that ruined almost no meat, and had a ton of fun bird hunting with Rocko.

Took this beauty of a bird on the first day of the spring season.  Can't believe two things: I was done turkey hunting and it wasn't even May yet, and my daughter was excited to see and learn about the bird.

I used to do all my preseason scouting by myself but now I have a buddy that likes to tag-along on cool, late summer mornings.  (Also, go Bucs!)

This is where we hiked to.  A highpoint of Beaver County overlooking the county seat.  Cool spot.  Also, I never tried the panoramic option on my phone.  I like it.

Oliver's eyes are always peeled when we're out.

My new O/U Mossberg Silver Reserve II 20 gauge I got this year.  Really like it, and congrats to Mossberg on making a fine, affordable gun.

First day of grouse (thick cover)

First day of grouse (Beaver pond)

I proclaimed this day as the "Day Rocko Graduated from Pheasant School".  The way he worked birds, went downwind to come upwind to point, set, and let me shoot was unreal.

Perfect conditions were had on a perfect Friday about 5 miles from the Appalachian Front.

"Git on da backadat pickup 'n get a picture with'at fine bird'n dog...what kind'a pigeons ya got there?"

::Post continued to be continued::