Location: Ohioville Gamelands/South Beaver Gamelands
Temp: 40 degrees
Wind: N/A
Weather: Snow melting, one inch in places, nothing under pines.
I went out for small game today. I wasn't very motivated, I just wanted to get out for a walk since it was a nice day. I went to the Ohioville Gamelands first. I had two squirrels running around, but did I really want to clean them? Nah, let them go. Hung out for awhile and had a bunch of birds flying around. Juncos, titmice (or is it titmouses?, i never know...), nuthatches, etc. but I forgot my binos so I was kind of pissed. Deer tracks all over my archery spot. I'm sure they're grouped up now and moving in packs of 10+ and were hitting the cut-corn.
Anyway, left there and went to South Beaver gamelands. No rabbits. I thought I might have seen some but had no luck. No coyotes but a ton of tracks. Also a lot of deer tracks. One was maybe the smallest track I've ever seen. I should have taken a picture. Oh well.
I did come across two bluebirds. I took the camera but I couldn't get close enough to get a good shot. (I'm hoping to get some shots of warblers this summer but with this camera it isn't gonna happen.) I did take a close up of the sumac drupes that they were pecking away at.
Until next time.
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